6 Ways You Can Actually Use Lots in Astrology (NSFW) (2024)

6 Ways You Can Actually Use Lots in Astrology (NSFW) (1)

Before I adopted the term Lots, I knew them as Arabic Parts. This is sort of a misnomer, since they are not Arabic and the term “Parts” isn’t incredibly descriptive at best and um, suggestive and euphemistic at worst. The term ‘Lots’ capture the original idea from Plato’s Timaeus of souls casting lots for different destinies, just like the Lots are cast out from the Ascendant. Okay whoa, whoa, wait a second, back up here. Why should we use Lots? Aren’t they completely arbitrary? Aren’t they just more infinite mincing and parsing of the natal chart to extract whatever information we want out of it? Well, let’s consider what a Lot really is.

It’s the distance between two planets projected from the Ascendant. In other contexts, the distance between planets is fairly crucial, in the examination of planets in aspect, as well as for recurrence transits, and the even more specific phase angle return. Lots are simply taking this exact separation between two planets in a natal chart as being significant for that planetary combination, and examining it in relation to the Ascendant. In this sense they are somewhat like houses which divide the horizon by planetary arcs instead of by signs (I prefer Whole Sign Houses, an elegant division for dubiously civilized ages). So the algebraic formulas we use today seem to remove us from this concept of a Lot being cast out from the Ascendant. Here’s Chris Brennan giving a visual explanation.

Sure beats the old “Head+Wall-Sanity=Lot of Tedium” method.

That was just for the Lot of Fortune, but the reverse calculation for whether you were born during the day or at night will always show the position of the Lot of Spirit. The reverse of every calculation provides a point which is the same number of degrees from the Ascendant, but on the other side of the horizon. It is as if your Ascendant were a cardinal point; all Lot combinations are in “antiscia” relationships across the horizon.This means that we have (if you stick to the traditional 7 planets just for now) 42 Lots, 21 possible combinations above the horizon and below it, a Lot every 8.5 degrees or so on average.

But what do we do with all these weirdly specific names for Lots? The Lot of Lost Animal? The Lot ofOperations and Orders in Medical Treatment? Or the ones your conservative uncle at Thanksgiving would use if they didn’t think astrology was the devil? The Lot of Misconduct by Women? The Lot of Unchastity by Women? These are not Lots for 2015! Besides that, some of the Lots have the same calculations but vastly different names. If you project the distance from Mars to Venus from the Ascendant, you get a one-stop-shop Lot for Sale, Lands, Landed Property and Adultery. Because selling real estate just goes hand in hand with getting some strange on the side, apparently.

I believe the names of the Lots are not to be taken at face value, but as a summary of the action performed between the two planets, although it’s clear that this might not have been everyone’s approach to the Lot names. It’s my hope to someday systematically go through every combination of Lot and come up with modern names for each one that accurately reflects the relationship between each planetary pair. Ultimately I think that’s what you have to do when considering what a given Lot actually means beyond its name.

So it is with great trepidation that I’m stepping beyond even the bounds of planetary arcs projected from the Ascendant, and into another level of abstraction with a very special class of Lots, the Hermetic Lots.

Lot of Fortune

Day: Take the distance from the Sun to the Moon, count the same from the Ascendant
Night: Take the distance from the Moon to the Sun, count the same from the Ascendant

Some people think of Fortune in terms of wealth or luck, but we should really think of it more in terms of chance and inherited circ*mstances. As an extension of lunar principles of physicality and passivity, Fortune signifies what befalls someone outside of their control, especially as it pertains to one’s body.

Lot of Spirit

Day: Take the distance from the Moon to the Sun, count the same from the Ascendant
Night: Take the distance from the Sun to the Moon, count the same from the Ascendant

Since it is the opposite calculation of Fortune and equidistant from the Ascendant from Fortune, its meaning is also complementary to the Lot of Fortune. The Lot of Spirit is an extension of the solar principles of will and creativity, signifying how one actswithin their control, especially as it pertains to one’s mind or soul.

Lot of Necessity

Day: Take the distance from Mercury to Fortune, count the same from the Ascendant
Night: Take the distance from Fortune to Mercury, count the same from the Ascendant
Necessity signifies constraints, submissions, struggles, and wars, and makes enmities, hatreds, condemnations, all the other restrictive things befalling men as a result of their birth.” – Paulus Alexandrinus

Lot of Eros

Day: Take the distance from Spirit to Venus, count the same from the Ascendant
Night: Take the distance from Venus to Spirit, count the same from the Ascendant
Eros signifies the appetites and the voluntative desires. It becomes a contributing cause of friendship and mutual favor. Also, bow-chicka-wow-wow.” – Paulus Alexandrinus

Lot of Courage

Day: Take the distance from Mars to Fortune, count the same from the Ascendant
Night: Take the distance from Fortune to Mars, count the same from the Ascendant
Courage becomes a contributing cause of boldness, treachery, might, and every villainy.” – Paulus Alexandrinus

Lot of Victory

6 Ways You Can Actually Use Lots in Astrology (NSFW) (8)Day: Take the distance from Spirit to Jupiter, count the same from the Ascendant
Night: Take the distance from Jupiter to Spirit, count the same from the Ascendant
Victory becomes a contributing cause of trust, good expectation, contest, and every association; but sometimes it contributes to penalties and rewards.” – Paulus Alexandrinus

Lot of Nemesis

Day: Take the distance from Saturn to Fortune, count the same from the Ascendant
Night: Take the distance from Fortune to Saturn, count the same from the Ascendant
Nemesis becomes a contributing cause of subterranean fates and of everything which is ice-cold, of demonstration, impotence, exile, destruction, grief, and quality of death, and other super awesome stuff.” – Paulus Alexandrinus

The Lots of Fortune and Spirit are derived from the arc between the Sun and Moon, so those are still based on an actual astronomical distance at least. But the other Hermetic Lots? They’re derived from the arcs between planets and Lots.They’re the Lots of Lots. I might also suggest the title of Xzibit Lots. There is a method behind the madness though. Chris Brennan wrote an excellent paper on the underlying rationale of the Hermetic Lot calculations which you can download here.

“You didn’t even get to what to do with the regular Lots and now you’re going to go off on Hermetic Lots?” Well, that’s right, but that’s all I got for right now. As more people become familiar with the techniques that utilize these almost crazily abstract points, I believe more people will begin to recognize their incredible potential, against all reason.This is the kind of stuff in astrology that makes you realize that reality is a far stranger thing than anyone is comfortable with. But there is a reason why these Lots were held in such high regard so as to receive the title of Xzibit Lots. So, get ready for a whole bunch of WTF, with 6 things you can do with’em.

6) Eminence: Yet Another Way to Feel Terrible About Your Own Chart

6 Ways You Can Actually Use Lots in Astrology (NSFW) (11)So astrologer Vettius Valens gave us some conditions for the potential for eminence in a chart using the Lots. I say potential, because while someone could have an eminent chart, unless the timelords unfold in the right way, you may not have a chance to take advantage of it. In other cases, the timelords make the most of what a chart has to offer through angularity even if the chart does not have much to offer.

The Lot of Fortune establishes a new Ascendant of sorts, and the signs assume significations of the natal houses relative to Fortune. And we’re talking whole sign houses here. The signs angular to Fortune are the most “active”, and special attention is paid to the Fortune 10th. You’ll see why.

Basically these eminence conditions amount to having the rulers of the Lot of Fortune, Fortune 10th, the Lot of Spirit, the Lot of Exaltation or the Lot of Basis in each other’s signs, especially if they are also in their own signs or exaltations, and if they are acting as trigon lords of the sect light.

Once you know this, you start seeing this pop up quite a bit in the charts of people who have really made a name for themselves.For example, Barack Obama has Fortune in Aries, and the ruler of his Fortune 10th and Lot of Exaltation is Saturn in Capricorn, in its own sign in the Fortune 10th. Additionally, Saturn is a trigon lord of his sect light.George W. Bush has Spirit in Taurus and its ruler is Venus in Leo in the Fortune 10th. Additionally, Venus is a trigon lord of his sect light. George H.W. Bush had Fortune in Capricorn with its ruler Saturn in Libra in its exaltation, in Fortune 10th. Additionally, Saturn is a trigon lord of his sect light. I’ll get to Bill Clinton in just a sec, don’t you worry.

Eminence basically indicates the degree to which a chart supports a high rank in one’s society. You don’t need eminence to be happy, but if having a high rank in your society is important to you to be happy…I hope you have some eminence factors. You probably do not. Or maybe you do! Eminence doesn’t just mean fame. As Curtis Manwaring points out, someone with a top security clearance is someone who has a high degree of eminence in a society without ever being on a magazine cover.

It has yet to be determined if eminence is relative to one’s culture or if it is more objective. Does having eminence mean being a supreme ruler of your nation or being the supreme ruler of having the most goats in a tiny rural village in the middle of nowhere? More research has to be done here.

So you’ve discovered yet another way your chart sucks. Big deal, why does any of this stuff matter? What else can you do with the Lots? How do the Lots tell me anything about the sh*t I do?

5) Zodiacal Releasing from the Lot of Spirit: The sh*t You Do

After attending the PHASE Conclave in 2006, I was introduced to Zodiacal Releasing, a timing technique which is primarily based on the Lots, or more specifically, the Hermetic Lots.Zodiacal Releasing from the Lot of Spirit was the basis of a (correct) prediction I made with Chris Brennan concerning Obama’s 2012 re-election and Mitt Romney’s 2012 defeat.*** It was also the basis of a prediction we made about Hillary running for President in 2016. More on that later.This is definitely one of the most advanced, weirdest and rewarding techniques I have come across. There are a lot of things to understand before taking off with it. It’s beyond the scope of this article to explain it in tremendous detail, and I’d highly recommend taking Chris Brennan’s course on this, but here are the basics.

Zodiacal Releasing pertains to the unfolding (or, releasing) of a certain topic throughout someone’s life, as specified by the Lot you release from. The two primary Lots are Fortune and Spirit, the Lots of the Moon and Sun, respectively.

  • Zodiacal Releasing from the Lot of Fortune shows changing conditions in what befalls someone outside of their control, consequences of decisions, especially pertaining to the body.
  • Zodiacal Releasing from the Lot of Spirit shows changing conditions of one does within their sense of will, their career, their praxis, especially concerning the mind or soul.

Each sign is associated with the planetary period of its ruler (Aries/Scorpio – 15 years, Taurus/Libra – 8 years, Gemini-Virgo – 20 years, Cancer – 25 years, Leo – 19 years, Sagittarius/Pisces – 12 years, Capricorn – 27 years, Aquarius – 30 years). Why are Capricorn and Aquarius different? Don’t ask. Also, in case you hadn’t yet filled your WTF quota today, we are using 360-day years, meaning there’s a difference of a whole year after 69-70 years. For now, just don’t ask. It’s a whole bunch of WTF. These planetary periods are referred to as major periods, Level 1 periods, or L1 periods for short.

Going even further into WTF territory, each planetary period is divided into sub-periods, each one 1/12th the length of the planetary periods, also known as L2 periods. Those L2 periods divide into sub-sub-periods in the same way, called L3 periods. And those L3 periods divide into sub-sub-sub-periods in the same way, called L4 periods. Valens doesn’t go further than that, but some preliminary research is finding it could be divided further. WTF.

6 Ways You Can Actually Use Lots in Astrology (NSFW) (13)

And if that wasn’t crazy enough, the L2 periods under the signs Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Capricorn and Aquarius eventually have to circle back around to the one they started with. For example, Aquarius lasts 30 years, and the L2 periods would start off in Aquarius for 30 months, then Pisces for 12, Aries for 15, Taurus for 8, Gemini for 20, Cancer for 25, Leo for 19, Virgo for 20, Libra for 8, Scorpio for 15, Sagittarius for 12, Capricorn for 27, and then instead of reaching Aquarius, it flips to Leo for 19 and continues going until the Aquarius L1 period ends.

This flip is called the Loosing of the Bond, and coincides with multivalent shifts. The Loosings between Cancer-Capricorn and Leo-Aquarius periods are seen as movements from light to darkness, or darkness to light. The Loosings between Gemini-Sagittarius and Virgo-Pisces are more variable. Sometimes the Loosings are repetitions, magnifications or reversals of whatever happened at the previous time the sign was encountered. Sometimes they’re very literal. There’ll be some examples as we go on.

Zodiacal Releasing from the Lot of Spirit starts with the sign of the Lot of Spirit. DERP. It lasts for the duration of the sign’s period, and releases to the next sign, and so on. Planets in the sign, its ruler and the relationship to the Lot of Fortune divides someone’s life into discernible chapters. When the Lot of Spirit moves to the angles from Fortune, it’s usually when you get big stuff done, especially the Fortune 10th, which we’ll focus on here.

Let’s take newly elected Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as an example.First of all, the guy’s chart is quite eminent. His Fortune is in Taurus, and Venus is in Aquarius, the Fortune 10th. Additionally, his Spirit is in Sagittarius and Jupiter is in Sagittarius, its own sign. Jupiter is also a trigon lord of his sect light. His Spirit ZR periods start in Sagittarius, the sign of his Lot of Spirit for 12 years. Then to Capricorn for 27 years. In 2010, he entered his 30-year Aquarius period, the sign of his Fortune 10th, containing Venus, the ruler of his Fortune. Not too surprisingly then, in the short time he has been in this peak period, he became leader of his party and then Prime Minister of Canada. We can see some of the Venus significations come through as well, because not only did he ride in with the favor of the public, but he is also admired just as much for his good looks, charm, sense of style, and his sweet dance moves.

But there is hope for you! Sometimes angularity seems to be all you need with these next few examples. Dead pig face f*ckerCurrent UK Prime MinisterDavid Cameron was born with Fortune in Sagittarius and Spirit in Cancer. His Fortune 10th is Virgo. His Spirit ZR periods started in Cancer for 25 years, then Leo for 19 years. In 2010 when Cameron’s Spirit releasing reached Virgo, his Fortune 10th, he won the UK election to become Prime Minister just a few short months after. Notice that he would have encountered both the rulers of his Fortune and Spirit (Jupiter and Moon) during his Leo period, and that time was a steady climb towards control of his party. Only the Fortune 10th propelled him to the top spot. Expect the Pisces periods not to go too well since that’s where his Saturn is, his contrary to sect malefic.

Bush’s bitchFormer UK Prime Minister Tony Blair was born with Fortune in Pisces and Spirit in Virgo. His Fortune 10th is Sagittarius. His Spirit ZR periods started in Virgo for 20 years, then Libra for 8 years, then Scorpio for 15 years, and then he reached Sagittarius, his Fortune 10th in 1995. It was once he reached this Sagittarius Fortune 10th period that he became Prime Minister in 1997, and resigned not too long before releasing to Capricorn for 27 years.

I would love to go into more detail but this was just supposed to be a listicle and now it’s turning into a freaking book. Or a hefty pamphlet at least. Anyway, I hope this shows you that there might actually be something to Zodiacal Releasing and the Hermetic Lots.

***I should warn you before you go and try to apply this technique to other charts, that there are some extenuating circ*mstances with Fortune and Spirit that could cause wildly different interpretations. I was careful to stick to diurnal chart examples in this article, where there is less ambiguity about the positions of Fortune and Spirit. One really weird rule Valens gives that still has to be sussed out, is the reversal of Fortune and Spirit in night charts when the Moon is below the horizon, or where the ruler of Fortune falls amiss, that Spirit takes on the role of Fortune. This sounds totally arbitrary and nuts, a lot like the entire technique, which beyond all expectation can be quite formidable, so you know, I’m open to exploring it.

If these dicta are true, this would obviously affect issues like angularity to Fortune when releasing from the other Hermetic Lots, and this article would be about the 10 things you can do with Lots rather than the 6. Curtis Manwaring gave a pretty good explanation of this issue in his 2012 election analysis. He also has an interesting take on my prediction about Obama. But before you start thinking this is all too wishy-washy and click X on this window, you’re going to want to continue reading for one reason: Boobs.

4) Lot of Fortune: Your Physical Meatsack

You clicked it didn’t you. That’s okay.The ol’ boobs trick never fails. But I wasn’t exactly lying.

Back in 2007 over a Myspace message, um, a friend I knew happened to get the birth time of a p*rn star who goes by the name Claudia Marie. Now, you must be thinking, why on earth was I messagingmy friend messagingstrange questions to voluptuous women in the p*rn industry on Myspace, and to that I can only say that I, I mean, he was single, 19 years old, and was willing to go that extra mile for sound data in the name of proper astrological research, dammit. Yeah…That’s right…

Anyway. She allowed himto share the data, which she said was what her mum said and matched the time on her birth certificate. Claudia Marie was born on August 17th 1974, 6:38 am, Morganton, NC. Some time later it had come to the attention of, ::cough:: my friend that she had gotten significant breast enhancements, which was astonishing because puberty had already been exceedingly generous to her, according to my friend of course. It suddenly occurred to me to look at her Fortune releasing, since it concerns the body and this was a pretty, um, big deal, a big deal for her especially because her body is such a large part of her work.I tracked down her Twitter and found the date she announced her surgery, September 10th, 2010. Holy sh*t.

6 Ways You Can Actually Use Lots in Astrology (NSFW) (18)Her Fortune is in Leo, as well as her Spirit. This is interesting in itself because Valens says when Fortune and Spirit are in the same sign (usually around new and full moon births), that Spirit profects from the next sign after Fortune. This seems kind of arbitrary and weird but there’s evidence to suggest that this actually works. What’s funny about this for Claudia Marie is that this would mean her Spirit and Eros release at the exact same time, meaning the topics of romance and sex would unfold at the same time as her career. And she is a p*rnographic actress, after all. See where I’m going with this?

But back to teh bewbz. Her Fortune releasing started off in Leo for 19 years, then it switched to Virgo for 20 years. She reached the Loosing of the Bond to Pisces around the 17 year mark on September 7th 2010, just 3 days before she got her surgery. So with Virgo-Pisces activated on Fortune, her Mars in Virgo opposite Jupiter in Pisces came to life. She went under the knife (Mars) to get bigger (Jupiter). There was also a new moon on the degree of her Mars on the day of the Loosing of the Bond. She did several more resizings going smaller and larger over the course of the L2 Pisces period, but it was all kicked off at the Loosing of the Bond, and her body went under this huge change.

On the opposite end of the boob spectrum, we have Angelina Jolie. She was born with Fortune in Taurus, with its ruler Venus in Cancer conjunct the Ascendant. Her Fortune releasing started off in Taurus for 8 years, Gemini for 20 years, and she is currently in her Cancer period, lasting for 25 years, where she has her Ascendant, Venus and Saturn.

The ruler of Cancer is her Moon in Aries in the 10th. Notice that her Moon is enclosed by the malefics – its last aspect was a conjunction to Mars in Aries and its next aspect aspect was a square to Saturn. This doesn’t forebode well for issues concerning the body, because of the Moon’s general significations as well as its rulership of the 1st. However, Venus and Saturn are inferior position to the Moon, Mars and Jupiter, which suggests the Moon can overcome the issues presented by Saturn.

6 Ways You Can Actually Use Lots in Astrology (NSFW) (20)This dynamic came to life when she reached Cancer-Capricorn on Fortune ZR, activating her Moon-Saturn square. Her doctors told her she had an 87% risk of developing breast cancer, just how her mother died. Jolie decided to get a preventative double mastectomy. The whole process started on February 2nd 2013 and finished on April 27th 2013, during Cancer-Capricorn-(Capricorn)-Aries. This activated the Moon’s enclosure by malefics, and her breasts were removed. However with the testimony of Venus and Jupiter, she walked away with her life.

Some might correctly point out that these were willful actions by these ladies, and perhaps they don’t neatly fit the Fortune/Spirit schema. The more you study them, the more you see a kind of subtle interplay between Fortune and Spirit,circ*mstance and will. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. Circ*mstances create opportunities for taking action, but sometimes actions lead to different circ*mstances. You could say their minds wanted the surgeries, but it just happened to their bodies.ZR from the Lot of Fortune might be a good place to research other things that can happen to your meat sack, like weight loss, weight gain,pregnancy,cosmetic surgery,illnesses, accidents and death, y’know, fun stuff.

Speaking of fun stuff…

3) Lot of Eros: Lots of Hanky Panky

Tom Brady was born with the Lot of Fortune in Gemini and the Lot of Eros in Aquarius. So his Eros ZR started in Aquarius for 30 years, and then continued to Pisces for 12 years where he still is today. Pisces is of course his Fortune 10th. Additionally, the ruler Jupiter is in the sign of Fortune, an eminence factor. From this we would expect that he started a big romance around February 27th, 2007.6 Ways You Can Actually Use Lots in Astrology (NSFW) (21)

It just so happens that in December 2006, Tom Brady left his girlfriend Bridget Moynahan and was set up on a blind date with Giselle Bündchen, his current wife, and they continued dating. Sometime in mid-February 2007, right around the beginning of Brady’s Fortune 10th Eros period,Moynahan told Brady she was pregnant with their child, and did not want an abortion. This was a huge obstacle for Brady and Bündchen’s relationship that had barely just begun. But it’s funny how that works, given the way Bündchen sees it:

“I think it was a blessing, because otherwise I don’t think I would have known what he was made of, and he wouldn’t have known what I was made of…I wouldn’t have seen the integrity in him—the way he was a good person through all the times. I was like, You have the heart in a good place! It made me feel more in love with him; it made me realize who he was. Our relationship has become so much stronger, and I think I wouldn’t be as certain as I am today if it weren’t for that.” – Gisele Bündchen

Not long into his Fortune 10th Eros period Brady and Bündchengot married on February 26th 2009. Maybe the wedding was scheduled on an anniversary of something that happened 2 years earlier, given that it was so close to the February 27th date the Fortune 10th Eros period started?

Meanwhile, Giselle Bündchen was born with the Lot of Fortune in Aries and the Lot of Eros in Virgo. So her Eros ZR started in Virgo for 20 years, Libra for 8 years and Scorpio for 15 years, which she is still in the middle of. Not much is known about her romantic exploits during the Virgo period, but the Libra period, the period angular to her Fortune is quite telling.

We might expect this to be a pretty significant period for relationships, since it’s angular to Fortune and it’s even the Fortune 7th, but the presence of Mars (as well as Pluto) would also suggest difficulties. Libra is ruled by Venus, which she has in Gemini, applying a square with Saturn in cadent houses, suggesting inconstancy and obstacles. She entered her Libra period on April 6th 2000, and it was in late April 2000 that reports began to circulate that she had been seen canoodling with Leonardo DiCaprio. Their relationship was rocky, on again-off again, allegedly due to Leo’s wandering eye. They finally broke up for good in October 2005 while Bündchenwas under Libra-Aquarius, activating her Venus-Saturn square.

The Loosing of the Bond in Capricorn and Aquarius periods to Cancer and Leo can generally be seen as a movement from darkness (Saturn) to light (Sun and Moon). Her relationship with DiCaprio ended before the Loosing of the Bond (darkness) and then she began a relationship with Brady after the Loosing of the Bond to Leo (light) in December 2006. Not only that, but Aquarius is ruled by Saturn which she has in Virgo, and so she met Brady under Libra-Aquarius-(Virgo).

Then Bündchenentered her Scorpio major period for 15 years starting on February 24th, 2008. Scorpio is a post-ascensional sign, so it builds on the events of the Libra period, and the rulers, Venus and Mars are in trining signs, showing continuity between periods. Just a year after beginning the Scorpio period, they were married on February 26th 2009 under Scorpio-Scorpio-Cancer-Capricorn. Notice on the lower levels, her Eros had reached her Fortune 10th, Capricorn.

Our next subject is someone who has the Lot of Eros exactly conjunct their Midheaven…

2) Rectification: Pinpointing Some sh*t

Bill Clinton‘s chart is pretty excellent, but it’s been kind of confusing from the standpoint of Zodiacal Releasing. His Lot of Fortune is in Gemini and his Lot of Spirit is in Capricorn. For example, his Aquarius-(Leo) Loosing of the Bond coincided with his successful 1992 run for President. While this was significant for him because of Saturn’s presence in Leo and ruling his Lot of Spirit in Capricorn, it did not involve angularity to the Lot of Fortune in Gemini. His Lot of Fortune is awfully close to the end of Gemini, isn’t it?

At 8:51:00 am the Lot of Fortune is at 29 Gemini, but at 8:51:51 am, the Lot of Fortune enters Cancer. Is it possible he was born in the last 9 seconds of 8:51 am? Eminence-wise, it would seem Fortune in Cancer would make more sense for a President since its ruler is Moon in Taurus (exaltation) in the 11th from Fortune in Cancer. Certainly better than Mercury in Leo in the 3rd from Fortune in Gemini. However, even if his Fortune were in Cancer, his election and re-election would not be angular periods, so his success must have been on the strength of encountering the ruler of the Lot of Spirit.

However, there is a big test coming up for which sign his Fortune is really in.Remember all that stuff about the Fortune 10th? Well, if his Fortune is in Gemini, then the Fortune 10th is in Pisces, which his Spirit already released to, spanning from October 24th 2002 – August 22nd 2014. This is a guy who was PRESIDENT of the United States, and his Fortune 10th period coincided with his post-presidential activities with Clinton Global Initiative and Hillary’s 2008 campaign? Something doesn’t seem right here. What could possibly be bigger to him than being President?


If his Fortune is in Cancer, then the Fortune 10th is in Aries. His Spirit releasing reached Aries on August 22nd 2014 and lasts till June 4th 2029. If his Fortune is in Cancer, then he is technically in the highest peak he’ll ever be right now. So, what could be even more important to him than being President, and guarantee him a place in the history books beyond what he has already accomplished? Let’s see…Aries is his natal 7th, the house of partnerships. The ruler is Mars, which he has in Libra, its anti-domicile. Gosh, I don’t know, it’s almost like he becomes well known for being someone’s partner, but it’s a kind of inverse of aMars archetype or what’s expected of a male…like…First Gentleman. I guess we’ll see. If Hillary doesn’t win, he’s probably got Fortune in Gemini, and was born between 8:51:00-8:51:50 am. If she does win, he’s probably got Fortune in Cancer, and was born between 8:51:51-:8:52:00 am. And that’s how you can use Lots for pinpointing some sh*t.

1) Making Sense of the Charts of FreakingTwins

I used Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen in a previous post to mock the idea that differences between twins disprove astrology by pointing out the ways in which they are very similar. Thinking about this issue more, I found that for all their similarities, they really do have some big differences. These had to be observable in their charts to some degree. So I opened up their charts and took a look.

For all intents and purposes, Ashley and Mary-Kate Olsen have charts which are almost completely identical. Every planet and point is virtually identical. All their eminence factors are the same. We’re going to have to dig deeper and check out the Hermetic Lots. Even all of these are in the same signs. The Lots of Fortune, Spirit, Necessity, Eros, Courage, Victory…all of them, except for the Lot of Nemesis. Ashley has it at the end of Gemini (provided she was born before 9:43:09 am), while Mary-Kate has it at the beginning of Cancer.

Ashley (inner wheel), Mary-Kate (outer wheel)

What is the Lot of Nemesis?I have some preliminary thoughts. First of all, it’s the Lot of Saturn, the distance between Fortune and Saturn. Fortune is a lunar Lot, and Saturn is a diurnal planet and not exactly a happy guy. Nemesis in Greek mythology is the spirit of divine retribution, of righteous indignation against those who succumb to hubris. This dovetails nicely with Curtis Manwaring’s ideas about this Lot, that it indicate one’s “downfall”. Your punishment for your hubris. Your weakness. Yournemesis. Your Newman. (Lot of Newman, anyone? Anyone? Fine. No Lot for you.)

So Ashley has the Lot of Nemesis in Gemini and Mary-Kate has it in Cancer. So Ashley’s Nemesis ZR starts in Gemini for 20 years, then Cancer for 25, Leo for 19, etc. Mercury rules her Lot of Nemesis, which indicates that letters, money, contests and disputes would be her downfall, her nemesis. Meanwhile, Mary-Kate’s Zodiacal Releasing from the Lot of Nemesis is different, starting in Cancer for 25 years, Leo for 19, Virgo for 20, etc. The Moon rules her Lot of Nemesis, which indicates the body or one’s habits and instincts would be her downfall, or nemesis. The Olsen twins were born during the day so their contrary to sect malefic is also Mars, situated in Capricorn, retrograde in the 6th.

One significant point of difference between the twins is Mary-Kate’s struggles with anorexia, allegedly connected to a cocaine addiction, which reminds us of the Moon’s rulership of her Lot of Nemesis, concerning the body. She first went to rehab in June 2004 before June 15th, right in the middle of her Cancer-(Capricorn) Loosing of the Bond on Nemesis. Remember, Capricorn contains her contrary to sect Mars in the 6th, corroborating the idea of danger to her health. The rehab stint tarnished a multi-million dollar empire built on a wholesome image, and their “Got Milk” ad was taken off the airwaves. And most importantly for the purposes of this analysis, this event was particular to Mary-Kate and not Ashley. Accordingly, Ashley’s Zodiacal Releasing periods from the Lot of Nemesis were completely different.

One interesting feature of Ashley’s Nemesis ZR periods is that they correspond with her Spirit ZR periods, because they are both in Gemini. From this you could extrapolate that Ashley’s personal downfalls are connected with or coincide with her career, whereas Mary Kate’spersonal downfalls areseparate from valleys in her career. This is reflected in this quote by a designer, Jenni Kayne, shrugging off reports about wild behavior:

“I don’t see that. I see this clothes hanging up at Bergdorf’s and Barneys. I see success. And everyone else should see that too.”

Another interesting thing to consider is what will happen when Ashley’s Nemesis ZR period reaches the Loosing of the Bond to Capricorn, since that was the same configuration under which Mary-Kate had to go to rehab. For Mary-Kate and Ashley, it will be a bad time for their careers since they both have Spirit in Gemini, but it would be especially bad for Ashley because her Spirit releasing is the same as her Nemesis releasing. In fact, they are currently in the foreshadowing period Cancer-Capricorn on Spirit (as well as Nemesis for Ashley), and it was announced just back in August of this year that the Olsen twins are facing a class action lawsuit by former interns who are accusing them of not paying them for their work. This reminds us of Ashley’s Lot of Nemesis ruler, Mercury, ruling contests, legal disputes, accusations and money. We’re also reminded of their Mars in Capricorn in the 6th, which can also indicate trouble with one’s employees or subordinates.

In addition to the Lot of Nemesis, they also have different Lots ofBasis,Discovery,Life,Purchases,Covenant and Testament,Criterion and Legal Judgment,Discovery,Fathers and Fatherland,Sea Voyage and Voyaging and Adventure or Enterprise and curiously enough, two separate Lots for Siblings. These are not Hermetic Lots, but I wonder if all the topics signified by Lots are activated when you Zodiacally Release from a sign, and that these would account for additional differences between the twins. Anyway, I hope this shows it’s definitely worth it to investigate the Lots to make fine distinctions between closely similar charts.

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If you’re interested in using Zodiacal Releasing, the best software to use is the stupendous program Delphic Oracle by Curtis Manwaring, which I used to generate the charts and Zodiacal Releasing periods in this article. BUY IT HERE.

6 Ways You Can Actually Use Lots in Astrology (NSFW) (2024)


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