A conversation with outgoing Speaker of the Ohio House William Batchelder (2025)

A conversation with outgoing Speaker of the Ohio House William Batchelder (1)

A conversation with outgoing Speaker William G. Batchelder, R-Medina, who presided over this final voting session yesterday after 38 years in the Ohio House.

It’s been 38 years. How have you managed to get so much enjoyment out of this job for so long, considering it can be very frustrating at times?

When I came down, I was put on insurance, utilities and financial institutions (committees). Well, that was heaven. The whole challenging changes in the business industry and I’ve particularly always enjoyed the insurance industry. If you want to have some way to protect the public, that’s one heck of a good way to do it. I loved all those subject areas. I’ll remember Home State (savings and loan crisis) as long as I live. We were able to fix it. I was working in (Gov. Richard Celeste’s ) office with him. We were able solve a problem that, nationally, just didn’t get solved. I know people thought we would lose money. We did not lose money.

We didn’t have offices. We moved to the basement, and then each of us had a desk and every two members had a telephone. That made it difficult to do business with bureaucrats when you’re trying to talk to somebody about a constituent problem and when they called you back, if the other guy was talking on the phone, it didn’t work. I’ve seen a lot of changes in this place.

You opposed the creation of Ohio’s original income tax.

That was a hot one. I believe we voted seven times on the budget. One time we had a sales tax proposal. The sales tax had been raised in 1965. Then in 1971 their talking about imposing an income tax. Who’s minding the store? We put it on the ballot, but a lot of the big businesses didn’t want to repeal it, because they didn’t want to bear the tax.

You started as an aide for John W. Brown.

Yes, that’s Brownie up there on the top left (points to photo on back wall). He looks like Stewart Granger, the famous Scottish actor.

You’ve also talked about John Ashbrook and Robert A. Taft as some of your early mentors and influences. How did they help shape your views and legislating style?

One of the things they did was make me more married to principle than a lot of people are. It’s my business to be committed philosophically. John Ashbrook was a good personal friend. They used to call him the new right. He really organized the Goldwater campaign. It showed that if somebody like Lyndon Johnson was the opponent, you could end up in a situation where it didn’t matter what you thought, he was going to beat the hell out of you.”

You were term limited at the end of 1999 and went on to be a judge. What made you want to come back?

I had an ideal of what the House was, and I lived it. You learn in any large group there are going to be certain people that don’t do what you think the members ought to do. There were a lot of conservatives across the state who contacted me. I felt I could do something for younger members. I had older members, World War II veterans, who had done wonderful things for me. I think I’ve done 14 eulogies. I wanted to come back and see if we couldn’t have a House of the kind that we had with (former Speaker Charles) Kurfess, very open…I wanted to come back to work at opening up the process again.

Do you think you succeeded?

I think I did some good. It means a lot to me.

Would you say it’s easier to govern today, or was it easier to get things done before term limits?

Term limits are unbelievably bad. What they’ve done to the ability of people to look at this as a career, as I did. People just can’t do that today. As I built the caucus, you can’t talk to people like that. I remember when I recruited Col. (Terry) Johnson, what a guy. We hadn’t had a Republican in Scioto County since 1945. I talked to him and we had a nice visit about what we needed to do up here. He was particularly oriented toward this drug thing. He had 36 deaths in his county. He was the coroner. He knew. There was no focus on that before he came here. I did something damn worthwhile there. You’ve got to be willing to be away from home a lot. I’ll never forget his response. I asked: ‘Have you ever thought of running for the Legislature?’ He said: ‘I think it’s my duty.’ Hoo, that was a two-hanky experience.

I imagine if you’re asking someone to join the Legislature for a long-term endeavor, the conversation is much different than if it’s for eight years.

Totally different. We’ve recruited a lot of young people, some of them with really strong backgrounds. But when you’re talking to people who are being asked to go off on vacation in the summer – no, it isn’t that. It’s sad. I was teasing (Rep. Robert) Sprague on the House floor. I knew his grandfather. He was in charge of the pensions and had two drawer file cabinets. People didn’t argue with him. He was the expert.

Is it harder to find the experts?

Yeah, it really is. If they knew they had some longevity they would have wanted to stay. We had people that came here to do something for a sustained period. It was a privilege to work with them. I was the youngest for four years on the floor.

You were a founding member of the Caveman Caucus. You once wore a dog muzzle on the House floor to protest. Just (last week), you had a member wearing earmuffs on the floor and you were having to deal with the most conservative portion of your caucus on a few issues. Considering where you came from, how does it feel when you have to be the one handling the different factions inside your own caucus?

You have to call some of the folks into the office and say to them: I am where you are, but I think I know how we can move forward as a state and nation and…the means are not to bust up the place. The means are to use the place…It is a funny feeling because some of these guys say, ‘We want to speak on the floor.’ I say to them, ‘Stand up. That’s what the Democrats do to get recognized.’ (Former Speaker Vern Riffe) would just shut people up, even if they had a dog muzzle. We have an open process. I came back so we can kick down the doors and let the sun shine in. I couldn’t believe (last week) that a bill that passed the House with a fairly good majority two years ago (heartbeat bill) died on the House floor (last week). The conservatives brought that issue back, but the far-right wing conservatives had really made a lot of the people in the caucus madder than hell about it. (Speaker-elect) Cliff Rosenberger has challenges. He’s lucky to have a strong governor.

You had more than 30 years legislative experience when you became speaker. The three speakers before you and the one that is about to follow you took the job with four years or less experience. Does that inherently make it more challenging?

No question it does. The most basic thing it does is you don’t really have the experience in terms of issues. There’s nothing wrong with that, there are other people there – (Rep. Ron) Amstutz is there. The much more troublesome things for them are because of that, they may be underestimated by their caucus and colleagues. When (former Speaker Larry) Householder left town, it was in a hail of bricks. I don’t think that’s going to happen to me. Part of that is that I’ve seen everything twice and the caucus knows that. In caucus, I spent time telling them how we got to where we are and what things we ought to keep in mind in terms of failures. We’ve got to get back the ability of members to serve for sustained periods. I’ve had some of my friends who spent money to create term limits say to me, is there any way we can add time onto that? It’s fascinating the kinds of inputs that are helpful to a legislative body. One of them is experience. Your members may agree or disagree with you, but they understand you’re not doing things for the heck of it.

If you weren’t term limited, would you continue to serve or is now a good time to call it a career?

I would go first of all to my governor and ask him what he wants me to do. I think he and I have a record of being candid with each other, the severance tax notwithstanding. (laughs) He might have a younger person he wanted. But you don’t have to go home. You can stay as a committee chair, or help the speaker recruit. You always have friends. (Rep. Matt) Huffman would tell me if there was something wrong with me, at least more than usual. My dad tried lawsuits over in our courthouse until he was 93. You could hear him coming down the corridor as he dragged his oxygen tank behind him. He was sharp as hell.

What will you miss most?

I’ll miss most the idea of being able to change things in a way that makes us a stronger, better state, that gives our children better opportunity to have a good education. And, frankly, in many cases, to advance new ideas. Ohio was into drug control before other states were.

A conversation with outgoing Speaker of the Ohio House William Batchelder (2025)


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