The Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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THE SPRINGIELD DAILY NEWS SPRINGIELD MASS: THURSDAY MAY 17 1945 19 SPECIAL OR A LIMITED 0 to of Kendall Chicopee WAC Toasts Victory Special Demi Size Man HOUBiGANT POWDER A CHICOPEE OBITUARY ALDENVILLE 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU SETTER LONCZAK BROS 2 PERMANENT ALIGNING WHEEL BALANCING Plumbing Supplies Chicopee Moss LOOK STOP HASHER SERVICE Any Make AJAX ELECTRIC SERVICE GILLETTE ACIAL TISSUES TEL CHIC 439W DANCE TONIGHT POPULAR TO THE POPULAR precious pamper your MERRY CAVALIERS DWIGHT ST JOHN CAIN COMPANY Cambridge Mass $125 SIZE STARTS TOMORROW ABSORBINE JR 50c SIZE $125 SIZE SERUTAN REG49cQUtIITY ALCOHOL pi CONTINUOUS SHOWS EVERY DAY 415 QT MANHATTAN 415 QT $135 SIZE DAIQUIRI Pinkham Compound LAVORED BRANDIES HY GRADE POLISH AMERICAN DANCE Epsom Salts TO NITE at PETER PAN CRYSTAL BALLROOM EXTRA HEAVY MARKET SQUARE CHICOPEE Mineral Oil pt 8 12 E'S HOME REMEDIES WONNAI Vi crawl a RIVOLI 200 Exchange St LOBSTERS OYSTERS 359 498 350 798 HADDOCK LOUNDER Les of 56 alls will at 9 at the SCALLOPS CLAMS BOBBY PINS METAL TWEEZERS CALL ON US TODAY Skin reshener SI 00 Cleansing Cream SI 00 Retiring Cream $200 Mascara $125 of Willimantic her home after guest of her COR CHURCH and MAIN STS CHICOPEE ALLS morion compan sockefeller ctNitit i (tatty turns Since UBS" THIN BLADES The funeral will be held at the Slar zyk funeral home Saturday morning at 915 followed by requiem high mass at St Stanislaus church at 9 Burial will be in St Stanislaus ceme tery been meet with Dale street Crystallized ROCK RYE 76 Proof QUART MUSIC BY JAN ROBAK AND HIS BROADCASTING DANCE ORCHESTRA GIRAIIUATIOX SPECIAL 49c 59c 89c 59c Mrs Lionel were served Mrs Virginia next week Deroy and Mrs Deroy and Koger Simard of North ast street Holyoke Miss Deroy who lives on Skeelc street is the niece of Repre sentative Ernest Deroy 5 Lb Box We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities Starting Sunday VAN JOHNSON BETWEEN TWO WOMEN IMRKE UP 'If your neighborhood dealer cannot supply you write May 17 Acting President Dupuis of the League of assumption par 237 EXCHANGE ST CHICOPEE GARY COOPER LARAINE DAY "THE STORY DOCTOR WASSELL" STARTS RIDAY CHARLES KORVIN ELLA RAINES "ENTER ARSENE LUPIN" RICHARD TRAVIS "THE LAST MILE" a 01414 City hospital Ends Tonite: "Between Two Worlds' and "The Curse of the Cat People" WANTED 1000 RABBITS LAAYETTE BEAUTY SHOPPE Cor Grattan Lafayette Aldenville Tel Holyoke 2 4075 Chicopee May 17 There has been great demand for the 10 year postwar plan recently drawn up and printed under the authorship of Anthony Pimental chairman of the local planning board Calls for the book called Ten Year have come from every state in the Union from every major college from Cajiada Australia South America and Cuba and two copies were requested by the White House library TOOTH DR LYON 'S POWDER WANTED GOOD USED CARS Highest A Prices Paid WACs stationed in Paris Left to right standing are Pfc Myrtle Harmon of Stockton Cal Staff Sergt Sally McCaffery of Boston and Corp Laura Carson of Chicopee alls Seated are Pfc Mary Thomas of Troy and Ruth Goodman of Cleveland $1098 $398 398 25c The funeral of Jacob Les of 56 Steb bins street will be morning at 9 at the home with a requiem Stanislaus church at be in St Stanislaus cemeterv The funeral of Miss Louise A Sit nik of 187 airview avenue will be held tomorrow morning at her home at 815 with a high mass of requiem at St Stanislaus church at 9 Burial ial will be in St Stanislaus cemetery The funeral of Wojciech Szmist of 126 Montgomery street Chicopee alls wins held this morning at the Rypysc funeral home with solemn requiem high mass following at St Stanislaus church Rev Emil Tokarz was cele brant Rev Thomas Gralinski deacon and Rev Christin Brozost subdeacon Bearers were Michael Watrozski John Kobuk Anthony Adamczyk Thomas Herchel Michael Bigda and William Matuszczak ather Gralinski read the committal prayers at the grave in St Stanislaus cemetery The funeral of Jacob Stebbins street Chicopee be held tomorrow morning Rypysc funeral home with requiem high mass at St Stanislaus church at 10 Burial will be in St Stanislaus cemetery Wm LAMY RANGE OIL BURNERS CLEANED and REPAIRED EVENING IN PARIS PERUME Smooth Mellow Delicious BLACKBERRY APRICOT PEACH CHERRY i CREMEdeMENTHE CREME de CACAO KUMMEL KA VEH (Coffee) SLOE GIN (Creamy Head) All et 48 Proof ENDS TONITE 2 BIG HITS "THUNDERHEAD" Son of licka "CIRc*msTANTIAL EVIDENCE" BUY WAR BONDS HERE! WE HAVE THEM NO DAY OR NIGHT! Chicopee Edward the Sacred Heart ish Chicopee has announced that a committee has been appointed to plan a sports program for an outing on Tuesday night June 5 at 745 The committee includes Alfred Morin William Boisvert Wilfred Messier Homer Vcrette Russell Belcher and Rene Proulx Members of the league will re ceive Holy communion in a body at the 7b mass next Sunday Mem bers will meet in the parish house at 630 to march to the church in a body A visiting committee for the sick was selected recently and it is com posed of Noe Coderre Ernest Pothier and Andre Aucoin MRS BARTHOLOMEW KOZIK Mrs Jadwiga (Niemiec) Kozik of 419 ront street died yesterday afternoon at Providence hospital Holyoke after a brief illness She was born in Po land and came to Chicopee 46 years ago Besides her husband Bartholo mew Kozik she leavesxtwo sons John at home and Walter with the army in England four daughters Alary at home Airs Sophia Dugre of Belcher town Airs Catherine Deraleau of Chicopee and Airs Anna LcVasseur of Aldenville: and three grandchildren ALDEN VI LLE BRIES and Airs Gerard Bessette of CONTRACTORS ROOING SIDING WEST ST TEL 347 CHICOPEE Chicopee Alay 17 Thieves dug up an 11 removed home plate from Szot park early last night before the first game held by the Chicopee Industrialleague 3 Superintendent of Parks and Play grounds Joseph Preston said today the park had been put in excellent 'GENEST or Immediate Repairs ANY MAKE CAR or TRUCK NO WAITING Budget Plan If Detired Bronson Chevrolet Co No Parking Troubles at the Willow In Willimansett at the LAID SANDED and REINISHED Sanding and Waxing Machines for Rent STANLEY WOJTONIK PERKINS ST CHICOPEE Come in and browse around in our store to see our complete selection of jaby wear BLACKBERRY APRICOT CHERRY PEACH GINGER All at 70 Proof Joseph Ar street Razuk in the SHEER SITED ACE 35' ROCK RYE (Milder) J48 Proof 45 QT 415 QT All at 48 Proof ISH MARKET 57 MARKET STREET CHICOPEE ALLS MASS RESH ISH DAILY MURDER IN THE BLUE ROOM" with Ann Gwynne Donald Cooke Also Cyclone Prairie Rangers Wallpaper Waxes and Polishes Paints Sales and Service 78 WEST ST CHICOPEE JOHN RAZUK VISITS WILLIMANSETT RIEND SHOP HARD TO IND ITEMS WHILE THEY SHOP EARLY games and refreshments havin featured The club will Mrs Alarie Thabeault of next week Mrs William Cormier street entertained members of the ireside Progressive club at her home Tuesday prizes in games hav ing gone to Airs Hector Coulombe Mrs James Haughey Jette and refreshments The club will meet with Dugre of Chicopee alls HIGHEST PRICES PAID RANK MOSSO 83 PLEASANT ST WARE MASS ATER THE OURTH WINTER WAR TUNE UP ALONE IS NOT ENOUGH HAVE IT Desludged Brakes Checked MAKE YOUR CAR I LAST LONGER SPRIRG ffRVICE "The Suspect Charles Laughton Ella Raines ALSO UNDER WESTERN SKIES Martha Noah Beery Jr (Continuous Show Sat ENDS TONIGHT "THE MAN IN HAL MOON STREET" and "TAHITI NIGHTS" 1C PARISH LEAGUE WILL CONDUCT OUTING a gift with any purchase of Translucid Make up preparations! Mr Trilby avenue are parents of a son born at Holyoke Wednesday Airs Lloyd Whalen Ct has returned to i spending a week as cousin Mrs Omer Stebbins of Dale street While here she visited with her mother Mrs St Hilaire who is confined at Providence hospital Hol yoke and also attended the funeral of her aunt Airs Alary Albert of Wil limansett Sergt Vitalis Thabeault of the army now stationed in New York formerly of Arkansas is home with his wife and new born daughter on Dale street He is the son of Air and Airs Adelard Thabeault of that address Word has been received from Pfc Daniel Shea of the army medical corps formerly stationed at Rich mond Va stating that he has been transferred to the Bradley field air base at Windsor Locks Ct His wife the former Aliss Rita Peloquin and children reside at 15 Broadway Chicopee alls having formerly lived on Stewart street Members of the Kapa Kapa club met with Airs Valniore Desrochers of Brightwood street Tuesday night 10 YEAR PLAN MUCH IN DEMAND NOW Chicopee Alay 17 John Razuk water tender first class son of Mrs Helen rappicr of 47 ountain street Holyoke stopped off on Willimansett tiaay to visit his triencl chambeault of Chicopee ormerly of Willimansett earned 11 battle stars South Pacific where he took part in 11 battles He expects to add another star to those he has when his star tor participation in the battle of Oki nawa comes through He has been inthe navy for 17 years and has home for the first time in three years Especially blended for ths making of fuller flavored Punch' Cuba Libres etc Unusual appeal in Rum cakes desserts and punches 86 Proof 45 QT? COMING SUNDAY TONIGHT AND EVERY NIGHT1 in Technicolor Also co hit "Baby AH" Bottle Nipple Cap Sets Waterproof Panties Safely Sheets 18x27 69c: 36x54 $179: 27x36 Training Panties sizes 2 to 6 Infant Batiste Dresses Sweater Sets Esmond Blankets Wool Blankets Satin Comforters All Wool Cotton Rompers Baby Stockings Starting Tomorrow IT'S BOB'S UNNIEST 'Nothing But The Truth BOB HOPE PAULETTE GODDARD A PARAMOUNT PICTURE ON THE SAME SHOW "THE UTAH KID" BOB STEELE HOOT GIBSON Broadcasting Orchestra ROSELAND BALLROOM "A 'Choice oi Choice £ianors Night of the will also give a tap dance specialty held tomorrow Rypysc funeral high mass at St 10 Burial will 101 Soufh Street Chicopee Masi Tel 15 COD MACKEREL LEMONSOLE ormerly Kelly's HOLYOKE co*ckTAILS Ready to Servo lust Chill and Pour MARTINI VALUABLE COUPON 1000 PKGS POPULAR I CIGARETTES 16c PKGi We will sell one package to each of the first lOOCper sons presenting this coupon in our stores Offer good 1 YX7TTTJ riTTTimr tr umy wane aupyjiy lusua vxun imp Reg $500 Xfm ftX I ROCK RUM Al nil a ji at VISIT PAINT AND ELECTRICAL STORE OR YOUR HOUSEHOLD REPAIR NEEDS Electrical Accessories Electric Light ixtures Mops A STONINA 67 EXCHANGE ST TEL 887 The Children's Shop 249 Exchange Street Chicopee Massachusetts Layette Essentials DIAPERS DuvaPs Garage Studebaker Parfl and Service A generous box of the famous Translucid mist sheep face powder enough to last months in Champagne Rosee or other lovelyblended shades yours as a gift with the purchase of any of the following oundation tone liquid $150 Crem tone oundation $100 £7) Rouge $100 and (plus tax) Thieves Steal Home at Szot Park and No WEilICK RI SAT condition for the game and the plate was taken sometime after i yesterday He asked the thief or thieves to return the plate and promised no questions ill be asked The plate made of hard rubber and sunk in a block of wood will be hard to replace because of the lack of rub ber When purchased it cost about $14 he said SPECIALS OR RI SAT MAY 18th 19tl COURT BONNEVILLE PLANS MEMBER DRIVE Chicopee May 17 Members ot Court Bonneville Canado Americains will meet Monday night the 28th in the Union Canadienne hall at 8 to discuss plans for a jubilee campaign for new members The committee in charge of the campaign will include Emile LaPierre Mrs Augustine La gasso and Henri LeCroix All active members are asked to attend the meeting to hear the report and select a representative to the recruiting agents meeting to be held in Chester this fall Chicopee alls 41 last St Tel Chic 804S Ais TASTER WITH HELP CHICOPEE MAN INED ON CHARGES red Pasterczik 24 of 174 Cen ter street Chicopee paid a $50 fine in district court today after he was found guilty of drunken driving A drunk charge was filed Pasterczik was allegedly the driver of a car which wheeled down Main street near Rast Hooker strtet early Monday morning and crashed into a tree A companion Mrs Mary Parkis of S16 McKinstry avenui Chicopee who drove the machine away while an officer was attempting to subdue Pasterczik was previously fined $2 for driving without a license in her possession VETERAN NAVY MAN VISITS HIS BROTHER Chicopee Maj' 17 John Dingas of 249 Center street had as his guest yesterday his brother ire Control man William Dingas who recently returned from service in Atlantic Mediterranean area wearing four battle stars for the North Africa and Tunisia invasion the invasion of Si cily Anzio and Southern iance He left today' for New York city for re assignment for duty in the Pacific His father is John Dingas of 70 isk avenue Springfield MARRIAGE INTENTIONS Chicopee May 17 Marriage inten tions have been filed at the office of City Clerk Arthur Balthazar by Doris Deroy daughter of farmer Mayor CHICOPEE NEWS THE DAY IRENE GOSSELIN TO BE SOLOIST Aldenville May 17 Miss Irene Gos selin daughter of Mr and Sirs Arthur Gosselin of Sullivan street will be a featured soloist at the song and dance revue to be presented tomorrow night at the Lawrence school auditorium in Holyoke the Elsie Cappell school of dance Miss Gosselin who will sing Night is the Loneliest Bring in a roll or8 negatives s4 MV MW I rML wIZE ILMS tied to purchase a roll s' 1' 1 I Gm (W) i 1 Ui W'i It feJi Ay 1 UK 4 A TBLiIiTJIij 1' At fe A 'tfxSSgg Toasting victory in Europe on day are thes sign ra Oi IS Jgr S' A iJs TT 8 8 1 I 1 kjLxjl 1 1 RWTEZaJjL MM) 111 a I OODS I A 0 7 iisa BSSl WBBsfcSl CHIPS feSsO flit 7 'ilf 1 A I 'Wft MiHiiTniim frtMn irr IrZ3i va I I I i "3W OU I MMM MMM OKiMBKHI I HHKaflflHBflBfli E4K 29 I ra I 1 J0t 1 II 'O' IPANA Pepsodent GILLETTE VALET ManictiQng TOOTH TOOTH BLUE SCISSORS PASTE PASTE BLADES g5 (Metal) gCuriy Gauze Diapers $250 Chix Gauze Diapers 2 50 Birdseye Diapers 250 ACCESSORIES Quilted Pads medium 1 $125 Quilted Pads small 69c Shirts sizes I 6 short or long sleeve 55c infants' Cotton Knit Gowns 98c Infants' Kimono 98c Cotton Rec Blanket 45c No Parking Troubles at the Willow In Willimansett at the I E'S I.

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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.