Wartales Legendary Weapons List (2025)

One of the joys of playing RPGs is finding top-tier loot and Wartales is no exception. The sandbox-style game sees you exploring across a medieval landscape completing quests and fighting in tactical turn-based battles. Occasionally, often when defeating bosses or competing arenas, you’ll find one of the game’s Legendary Weapons. If you want to find specific ones for your companions, check out our Wartales Legendary Weapons list below for all the locations.

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What are Legendary Weapons in Wartales?

Wartales Legendary Weapons List (1)

Legendary weapons are the best weapons you can equip to your companions in Wartales. You’ll know you’ve got one when you look at the weapon description and the title of it is in purple. You’ll also note that all Legendary Weapons are named, showing they’re unique.

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Legendary Weapons have the best stats in the game. Better still, Legendary Weapons level up as the character they’re equipped to levels up. This means that once a companion has one they’re essentially armed for the rest of the game, so you can feel free to add the best oils you have to them knowing you won’t find a weapon to replace it. I didn’t have a Brute when I found Dagan’s Hammer in Tiltren Tomb, but I made sure one was my next hire!

Legendary weapon list – Wartales

Let us know in the comments below if you find any other Legendary Weapons in Wartales, as more are likely to be added in future updates. Note that all of these weapons give additional damage or crit bonuses as well, but these level up and change as the character also levels up, so we can't really list them here.

Weapon TypeItem NameLocationDamageExtras
Two-handed MaceDagan's HammerTiltren Ruin35%Damage to area. Hits once if single target, Hits 3 times if 2 targets or more. 3m area (wide arc).
DaggerElderguardTiltren Vanquish Mission (Vesuna's Pack - Trackers)50%Disengage and deal Damage to the nearest 3 enemies within 4 meters. 4m area (circle around unit).
Two-handed SwordClaretTiltren Vanquish Mission (Diewer's Gang - Outlaws)60-80%Damage to Area. Applies Dazed to all units hit. Dazed: This unit's next attack of opportunity deals no Damage. 2m area (wide arc).
Two-handed AxeJudgmentTiltren Vanquish Mission (Eligann's Troop - Guard)60-80%Damage to target and gains Unleashed. Cannot engage with this attack. Unleashed: Damage increased by 5% and cannot be engaged in combat.
Two-handed AxeMutinyTiltren Vanquish Mission (Eitlingarde's Followers - Inquisition)80%Damage to area. If attack hits at least 2 targets, it applies Vulnerability. 2m area (circle around unit).
Two-handed MaceLucillaTiltren Boss135%Targets an area. At the start of the next turn deal Damage to area and knock units back 6m. Targeting. 3m area (wide arc).
One-handed MaceErkeshet's MaceArther Ruin50-60%if unit's Strength > target's: Damage x 2 and will Crit.
Off-hand (Shield)RampartArthes Arena30-40%Damage to target. Damage increased by 15% for each bonus and debuff on target and this unit.
BowIndomitable OneArthes Boss50%Damage to area. Crit: knock back 2m and lose 10% of max Hp. 9m area (Line).
DaggerViperSmot's Arena60%Damage to target. Consumes all Poisons applied to increase damage by 25% per application.
Two-handed AxeSplitterVertruse Boss90%Damage to area. Damage is split among the units hit & applies 1 Bloodshed for each 1 Damage dealt. Bloodshed: targets lose health equal to num of applications at the end of turn and lose Bloodshed. (Stackable) 3m area (wide arc).
Two-handed MaceBog ThunderLudern Watchtower20-40%Damage to target. If Mosquito: Damage 1,000%.
SpearHoroun's Hunting SpearLudern Ruin70-90%Damage to target. Applies Mark of Horoun. Consumes Mark for an attack of opportunity. 3m range (circle around unit).
BowNarses' Hunting BowLudern Ruin50-90%Damage to target. Applies Mark of Narses. Consumes Mark of Horoun for 2 VP.
One-handed AxeDevotionLudern Boss70-90%Damage to target and gains 2 Rage. Crit: Gain 2 Rage.
One-handed AxeVictoriousHovendorp's Arena75-85%Damage to target. Crit if target is Burning.
One-handed SwordGloryBernna's Arena70-90%Damage to target. if engaged, gain Protection for 1 round.
Two-handed SwordProsperityBernna's Arena70%Damage to area. 2m knockback. If targets collide with terrain or units in 1.5m or less, targets take an additional 1.5x Damage. 2m area (circle around unit).
DaggerBehedite's SanctionGosenburg Ruin55-75%Damage to target. Damage increases by 100% if there are no enemies around the target within 4m.
SpearLiberatorGosenburg Boss80%Damage to target and force disengage. Resets this skill if the unit was already engaged in combat. 3m range (circle around unit).
Off-hand (Axe)FaithlessAlazar Arena20%Passive: After using a skill, this unit, even if they are engaged, deals Damage to the farthest enemy within 6m. Scales with whichever is higher Str or Dex. Not upgradable.
DaggerKruppe's SaexAlazar Boss80-100%Damage to target, Applies 1 Poison as well as Slowdown and Slow Reflexes(half opp. Damage debuff) for 1 turn.

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Wartales Legendary Weapons List (2025)


What are legendary weapons? ›

Legendary weapons are weapons of Legendary rarity. Like all legendary equipment, these weapons allow freely changing their attribute combinations and swap sigils, and can be equipped simultaneously on all characters on the account through the Legendary Armory.

Are there legendary weapons in Forbidden West? ›

Legendary weapons in Horizon Forbidden West can drastically change your gameplay experience, offering a variety of powerful options to suit your style. While some weapons may be harder to obtain than others, each legendary weapon brings its own unique strengths and benefits to combat.

How to use Lucilla wartales? ›

There is another way to use it.
  1. Use a skill to engage enemy first (Taunt or any other skill to a single enemy)
  2. Charge a Lucilla slam. End the turn.
  3. Have a Lieutenant approach from behind the brute and use the lieutenant skill to activate the attack of opportunity. The brute will Lucilla slam right away.
Jan 13, 2022

What is the max level in wartales? ›

In Wartales, Max Level Cap for companions and enemies/wild monsters is 15, but for standard companion it is 13 (maybe bug). You can check below the grade that shows Level/Needed Experience. The XP bar will reset each time you reach a new level.

What is the best Ranger specialization in wartales? ›

Poisoner is arguably the strongest of the Ranger specializations (they're all really strong, though). You can eventually build them to be able to stack 19+ stacks of poison in an AoE, and there's a legendary dagger from an arena that consumes poison stacks for massive bonus damage.

Can legendary weapons be upgraded? ›

Legendary weapons can be upgraded to Masterworks by: Inspect the Legendary Weapon. Hover over the Tier slot. Select the next upgrade Tier from the menu to increase the weapon's Tier by 1.

What is the most legendary gun? ›

Known as the "Peacemaker," the Colt Single Action Army (SAA) revolver holds an iconic status in American firearms history. Designed for the U.S. Government service revolver trials of 1872 and introduced in 1873, it became the sidearm of choice for lawmen, outlaws, and frontiersmen alike.

Is Legendary better or mythic? ›

Each rarity suggests the item's power and uniqueness. With that in mind, yes, mythic items are indeed better than legendary ones. They're rarer and pack more of a punch in gameplay. Mythic items often come with abilities or stats that are a notch above their legendary counterparts.

What is the most powerful weapon in Forbidden West? ›

1 It's Hard To Top The Blast Forge's Raw Power

Those simply interested in the single best weapon in Horizon Forbidden West need look no further than the legendary Boltblaster, The Blast Forge.

How to get the Death Seeker bow? ›

Complete challenges in the Arena until obtaining 80 Arena Medals. With those Medals in hand, players should speak with Dukkah, the Prize Master at the Arena, and purchase the Death-Seeker's Shadow Legendary Hunting Bow directly from her.

What is the most powerful bow in Horizon Forbidden West? ›

However, The Sun Scourge Bow is without a doubt the best all around Bow within the game. This is mainly due to the wide array of elemental arrows it has to offer, along with incredible damage.

What does Banner do in Wartales? ›

The banner will allow you to increase the productivity or proficiency of your companions each morning, as well as giving your troop a distinct identity when roaming the world!

What weapon does Matthias Lund use in wartales? ›

Matthias only has one attack with a two turn set-up. He will target a cone-shaped area in front of him, then slam his mace down and hurt anyone in the area.

How to get good gear in Wartales? ›

Combat gear can be typically found as drops from enemies or as merchandise from vendors. Alternatively, weapons and armor can also be crafted. This is great for players who can't afford to fight strong enemies yet or parties that are strapped for cash.

What are the best starting options in wartales? ›

The Warrior and Archer class will be especially effective from the start, and offer a great balance between attack and defense, particularly if combined with the 'incredible resilience' companion bonus.

What is the optimal team in wartales? ›

I've found the optimal crew size to cover all needs to be consisting of 10 human companions, one for each profession: 2 Archers, 3 Rangers, 1 Brute, 2 Swordsmen, 1 Spearman and 1 Warrior.

Who can wear heavy armor wartales? ›

Only the swordsman, brute, and warrior gets access to the heavy armor if you choose them to. So you should be able to equip it to one of your starting party members if you level them up.


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